Delivering information online in an optimum way is becoming increasingly crucial for governmental organizations to effectively communicate with their target audiences. One practical way of relaying information over the web is through the use of data dashboards, which allow complex data to be visualized and interpreted. Moreover, it was found that the usability of the dashboards themselves play a substantial role in how effective they actually are. Recent web analytics tools have emerged with the purpose of improving data dashboards, through assessing user behavior and pain points. However, web analytics results come with their own potential of misinterpretation, which is a considerable limitation. This research proposes that we can supplement web analytics with usability testing, which can provide us with the missing qualitative insights into user challenges and suggestions. Furthermore, research on the combined use of both is currently insufficient. Thus, this paper will address how usability testing can complement web analytics with the purpose of improving data dashboards, by taking Kennispunt Twente as a case study. At the end of the paper concrete improvement points are listed, gathered through the combined method of web analytics and usability testing.
DashboardingWeb AnalyticsUsability TestingUsability
University of Twente
TzuNing Huang