We argue that existing digital ad transparency efforts fall short of enabling holistic auditing required to address the growing challenges of online ads. We propose a technical standard for Universal Digital Ad Transparency. We review historical ad transparency regulation in the United States and motivations for a universal standard.We define criteria for determining which ad platforms should comply with Universal Ad Transparency, what content should be made transparent, and technical details about how ad platforms can comply with Universal Ad Transparency. We compare our proposed standard to current voluntary transparency efforts on the part of some digital ad platforms, and current pending legislation in the United States. Lastly, we discuss both potential problems with our proposal, and potential mitigations.
Data PrivacyMarketing AnalyticsSocial Media
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New York UniversityMozilla CorporationWesleyan UniversityBowdoin CollegeWashington State University
Laura EdelsonJason ChuangErika Franklin FowlerMichael M. FranzTravis Ridout