Objective: Customer engagement is the customer's involvement and connection with the brand. Most businesses will face serious problems in keeping customers and their loyalty and willingness to repeat purchases and recommend a service to others until this interaction is not optimally established. The objective of the current research was to measure the effects of content marketing on engaging online customers, in the field of publishing Persian printed books based on the 2PDM model. Materials and Methods: The present research was conducted using the case study research method, following a qualitative research design. The research population consists of Persian book publishing companies in the cultural and artistic fields in Tehran, among which a well-known publisher was selected by the judgmental sampling method. The observation was used to collect data from three channels including the website of the publisher, Instagram, and Telegram, using digital analytics tools (Google Analytics and Keyhole) before and after the implementation of content marketing. Results: The results of measuring customers' online engagement metrics on the Instagram channel of the selected publisher showed that the rate of customers’ online engagement has increased by 4.61 percent compared to the previous situation. Considering a 35.8 percent increase in the number of Telegram members compared to the previous situation, a 13.2 percent increase in the average page/session, and a one-minute increase in the average session duration on the website, it can be concluded that content marketing activities have effects on customers’ online engagement in three channels: the website, Telegram, and Instagram. Conclusion: The insights obtained from this study can be a practical help for the realization of content marketing and the efficacy of content marketing activists in book publishing companies, especially in Persian printed book publishing, and can also help publishing specialists in optimizing the design and implementation of content marketing.
Publishing industryContent marketingCustomer engagementOnline engagement2PDM model
University of Tehran
Zahra NaseriAlireza NoruziFatima Fahimnia