The gaming industry has seen a massive increase over the last decade, having also seen an important boom during the COVID-19 Pandemic. The growth of the game industry has led to a huge increase in the number of new players and a rise in the popularity of Free to Play (F2P) games. As a result, there has been a shift in the gaming industry from a flash game to an online game that is attracting a lot of players everyday. This new model of gaming has proven to be a successful way to gain revenue. This report will detail a clear roadmap through my journey as a Junior Data Analyst and how BI reporting tools such as Dashboards are the foundation of data literacy which leads to understanding player's behaviour and to data-driven decision around improvement and game innovation.
Business IntelligenceData VisualizationData TransformationDashboardingData LiteracyGaming Industry
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Li-lou Dang-Thai