Diagnostic Analytics
Ads Data HubGoogle AdsGoogle ColabBigQuery
Audience Building
Cost SavingAudience Building
Discovering optimal frequency and leveraging advanced audiences are key pillars for a successful at data-driven marketing strategy.
Google Colab uses API to generate a query execution request on ADH, ADH then executes the query and materializes the result in BigQuery. After materialization, Colab pulls the data from BigQuery and performs the analysis.
Identifying top performing demographic segments, affinity and in-market audiences within their campaigns, which can them be used to improve targeting and communication strategies.
- Where is your CTR floor?
- At what point does your CTR drop below a level that you care about?
- What frequency do I need to obtain my goals in terms of clicks?
- What is the idea frequency per audience?
- What are my top performing audiences?
- Are some customers receiving too many or too few ads?